MALMONT, s.r.o.

+421 905 721 835

Contact me

+421 905 721 835

  • Assembly, locksmith and dismantling work

    Contact us for your questions


About the company

How can we help you?

Our company was established in 2000.
In 2003, it was transformed into a Limited Liability Company and is called Malmont, s.r.o.

Malmont, s.r.o. has been operating on the Slovak market for 19 years. During this period, it has become a company that has built up its name and signed many challenging projects to carry out assembly, dismantling and welding work. Our company is a reliable partner and with its quality work we can realize even the most demanding requirements from our clients. Behind the Stability of Malmont, s.r.o. and the quality of the work done, our qualified staff, who have all the necessary certificates needed to perform the required work, are standing. The work done is on a professional level that leads to client satisfaction.

We offer our customers

  • Sheet metal bending
  • Cutting sheets and metal plates up to 15 mm thick
  • Profile bending 70 x 4 mm

The solutions we offer you


Recent projects

Successfully completed projects


Why choose us?

  • In doing so, we make sure the quality and quality of your product is accurate. During the process and process; an individual to use a device to check the order of the product.
  • Comprehensive metalworking services
  • Flexibility
  • Personal approach


How do we work??

+ Our first meeting
In case of interest in our services, we will propose an initial meeting for consultation.
+ Elaboration of documents
We will prepare all the necessary documents in the final technical documentation.
+ Manufacturing process
In doing so, we make sure the quality and quality of your product is accurate. During the process and process; an individual to use a device to check the order of the product.


All the activities we perform are in conjunction with the certificates

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